Additional Notes

Additional Notes

Episode description

This week - I really want to know what people think of me including recordings of the band in the podcast. Does the variety and vibe work for you, or is it too much? A few more are lined up so feel free to wait and see.

Interesting things to check out:

Bandwagon - is available to self-host, these and Mirlo seem to be stepping into a very collaborative space that willbe useful in the future (I think).

NHAM - is a good hub website to check things out from, lots of things interlinked and co-operation feels like the way forward. Thigns are growing! They also do a monthly mixtape now on Audio Interface bringing us music from the fediverse.

Non-musicly, I’ve been enjoying Michelle Joy Gallagher Soffe’s poetry in Mastodon and in book form, and the photography of Wim Van Mierlo of not-the-usual places around Nottingham, also on Mastodon. The background music is A Hollow Return from Unfamiliar Recognition.